Getting back to normal!

I haven’t been myself the last two weeks. I pretty much stopped exercising and had very inconsistent eating habits with lots of non-paleo days. I’ve been lazy, lethargic, irritable, unmotivated, and overall feeling off. Yesterday was the first day I decided to get back to normalcy, whatever that is.

I started my day with Bikram yoga. It was the worst hot yoga experience of my entire life. I was miserable from start to finish. I did not want to be in there, I wanted to leave. I lied down a lot and skipped so many postures because I just had no motivation to push through it. Plus I kept feeling light headed like I was going to pass out, not that I’ve ever passed out before. It had only been a week since I last practiced, so it shouldn’t have been that bad. Even my first time was awesome compared to yesterday. I was probably dehydrated days of non-paleo food with all that sugar and salt as well as alcohol. I know I definitely hadn’t been drinking enough water. I love Bikram yoga, I love being in the hot room, I love the body high and the sense of complete joy and relaxation at the end… I love everything about it. But yesterday I got to see another side of it. No wonder a lot of people hate hot yoga. I’m going to try to go every day this week to get back to having happy practices.

After such a horrific yoga experience, I was just not prepared to go back to MMA yesterday. However, I did go climbing. That was rough too! I hadn’t climbed in 2 weeks. It’s crazy how fast climbing strength goes away when you don’t use it. I found myself feeling very weak and heavy and had to downgrade. It was kinda depressing! But motivating at the same time. Must climb more!

All I can say is, thank goodness I snapped out of my two week period of sloth before it became permanent.

I finally went grocery shopping yesterday! Having paleo food in the house helps me stay paleo and motivates me to actually make myself food.

  • Ground beefalo
  • Grassfed beef ribeye steak
  • Free range local boneless skinless chicken breast
  • Prosciutto di parma
  • Organic, uncured, all natural bacon
  • Wild king smoked salmon
  • Red onion
  • Shallots
  • Tomato
  • Avocado
  • Coconut Bliss Naked Coconut
  • Annie’s organic dijon mustard
  • Organic capers




And with that + what I already have in the fridge, I am set for several days of delicious food!

Here’s everything I ate yesterday except for the Coconut Bliss.

Cucumber and Lox salad

So I’ve been trying to find ways to eat cucumber and I think I just found my favorite way! This was delicious! Cucumber, red onion, tomato, avocado, smoked salmon, and capers with a little bit of the juice. No dressing required! I loved all the different textures and the flavors went together so well.





I try to be a locavore, I go to farmers markets and joined a CSA. But let’s be honest, globalization happened and I’m going to eat kiwis.




Deconstructed bacon burger

Red leaf lettuce from our garden, beefalo patty, bacon, tomato, avocado, and onions with a sprinkle of smoked paprika. I first cooked the bacon in a skillet, then used the bacon fat to cook the onions as well as the patty. Using the bacon fat is key. What is it about pork fat and onions that go together so well? This was very satiating. I just wish I had arugula!






Not my favorite fruit in the world, but it’s so refreshing on a nice summer day.




It’s quite possible that I consume way too many almonds on a daily basis. I am obsessed with them, especially with a drop of local honey on each one… What? I’m trying to keep seasonal allergies at bay. And bears eat honey. Oh and with 90% dark chocolate here and there as well. I’m pretty sure that eating all these almonds has made my skin softer than ever.






I wasn’t hungry, but decided to eat anyway because my friend was really hungry while we were doing some shopping at University Village yesterday. Restaurant choices are limited there, but you can usually find something to eat at “Mexican” restaurants. So we went to Sonrisa where I had the Seared Mahi Mahi with spicy fruit salsa and vegetables. No rice, please! Let’s just say I could have made it 1000x better at home. The fish was overcooked and dry, to almost a chewy leathery texture. The veggies were way over seasoned with salt. But I still ate everything on the plate. I don’t need to be hungry to be a glutton!




Looking forward to another fully paleo day today! Hope you enjoyed all the paleo food porn. It has been a while since I’ve posted so much paleo food, no?



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