Archive for April 25th, 2011

April 25, 2011

Before and after pics

I definitely did not start eating paleo to lose weight. I always thought I looked great despite the weight gain after I quit figure skating. The weight fat loss occurred naturally as I ate and ate and ate paleo food. I am leaner than ever before, including when I was a teenager skating and working out 10-20 hours a week. I feel so much more comfortable, as if this is the exact body composition and size I’m supposed to be.

I was debating whether or not to post pictures of my physical transformation on the paleo diet. I decided to post them because becoming leaner and stronger is a part of eating this way.


Left: ~140lbs, but I was usually in the mid 130s the past few years. Right: January 2011 ~123lbs after 75-80% paleo (still eating rice and cheese somewhat regularly).


April 2011 ~120lbs, over 90% paleo. Diet only, little exercise.

(Late 2011 I had gained about 8lbs by adding exercise and was at 12.3% body fat. There are pics in various posts during that time period.)


Update: It has been over 3 years since my last pictures, so I thought I would add some new ones. I think it’s super fascinating just how much your body can change over time.

I stopped blogging in September ’12.

December ’12: ~127lbsMaybe 70% paleo? Around the time when I started seeing the lump on my abdomen.



Post-surgery, May ’13:  I wasted down to ~115lbs. This was awful, I felt like a bag of bones. 😦




The new BEFORE pic: March ’14 ~132lbs

Thanks to a combination of little exercise and a diet full of pastries and take-out, I gained almost 20lbs in a year! No paleo diet here!



August ’14 – I am working on my new AFTER! Pics to come.